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How to Raise Confident Children


                                                                 How to Raise Confident Children

                                                                                          Parents can help children thrive and succeed in life by being supportive, providing constant

                                                                                          encouragement and helping them to discover their passion.

                                                                                          All parents want their children to succeed in life. The best way to help them succeed is by

                                                                                          actively support, encourage and guide them throughout their early years. Here are some

                                                                                          parenting tips to help raise confident and independent children.

                                                                                                  By Wei Yin Wong   |   courtesy

                                                                                                  Parental Support

                                                                                                  Parents have the power to easily crush or uplift their children, regardless of how old the children are. And this

                                                                                                  means parental support is crucial particularly at important times of children’s lives, says Erin Shale, Melbournian

                                                                                                  teacher and careers counselor. “Often, the children who have the greatest self-confidence and who thrive down

                                                                                                  the track of life know their parents back them whatever path they choose,” Shale writes in the article entitled

                                                                                                   “Tools for Success” which appeared in the 2009 DUX magazine, an educational guide in Melbourne.

Parents as Teachers

Parents are children’s first and most important teachers. Teach them about life from a young age. Involve children in family decisions, ask them how they feel about important events around them and give them opportunities to shoulder some responsibilities. Young people who succeed in life often are able to take on new responsibilities and show initiative in schools and at social settings, stresses Shale.


Discovering Children’s Passion

Like adults, most children have their own passion. While some discover it early in life, others need time and help to find what they love doing most. Parents have a crucial role here. Help children discover their passion by encouraging participation in sports, music and other activities both in and out of school and taking them to the library to see what interests them.

For older children, parents can help them check out short courses provided by local institutes or local councils. It’s also a great opportunity for the kids to meet and make new friends, which in turn helps develop self-confidence and social skills.

Housework, Voluntary Work and Part-time Work

Giving children responsibilities that fit their age skills will encourage independence and boost self-esteem. Younger children can be given simple house chores such as raking leaves in the garden, folding clothes and walking the dog. Shale says parents can also encourage teens to do voluntary work or part-time work. Voluntary work allows young people to develop communication, leadership and organizational skills while fostering compassion and empathy in them. Part-time work helps too because it gives teens a taste of greater responsibility and creates environments in which the child has to work independently as well as in a team.


Experiencing Failures and Disappointments

Life is full of uncertainties, failures and disappointments. And it’s crucial that children understand this so that they have no illusions of life. They need to experience failures and disappointments to develop the resilience to thrive and succeed in life. Teach children that it’s initiative, participation and giving their best that count, not winning (although winning will be a great bonus). Be there for them when they fail. Encourage them to learn from their mistakes.


Children need their parents to thrive and succeed in life. Parental support and guidance; helping children discover their passion; encouraging housework, voluntary work and part-time work as well as allowing them to experience failures and disappointments will go a long way in helping children be on their own feet successfully.

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